Lilian Prins

My name is Lilian Prins, I’m 24 years old and live in Amersfoort, The Netherlands

After several courses, trainings and a study I started working as a hairstylist and make-up artist. I love my profession, but I knew there was something more in life for me. After a couple of years I decided to develop myself in a different branche, while I kept working on my hair and make-up skills along the way.

I started a new study, called International Lifestyle Studies, at Fontys Academy for Creative Industries. The study focusses on concept development and trendwatching. Many assignments where writing a blog, focussing on many aspect of life: food, health, leisure, living, appearance and human movement.

Being a Lifestyle Professional is not like any other profession. It’s a day to day job where you constantly have to be aware of all the signals and trends that are changing. I’m analyzing the world around me 24/7. For this you’ll be needing real good empathic skills to really feel the world around you, to become part of the changing process and to get a personal connection. I’ve collected many signals, online and offline, which inspired me to write these blogs.

I hope you enjoy, thank you for reading!

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